फिजियोथेरेपी कोर्स सूची 2024-2025

1. Bachelor in Physiotherapy (BPT)

  • कोर्स का फुल फॉर्म :
  • संक्षेपाक्षर :
  • अवधि : 4 Years
  • दाखिले : प्रवेश खुला है
  • फीस विवरण : विवरण प्राप्त करें

The Bachelor in Physiotherapy(BPT) Course deals with helping the body treat itself by using physical forces like heat, pressure, electricity, etc. BPT doctors do not use drugs in their medication process. Students will complete the course in 4 years and then participate in a 6-month mandatory internship at a recognized hospital.  अधिक...